Your Giving is Changing the World!
Why Give?
God created us in His image. God is a giver, and therefore we experience our greatest joy in life when we engage in a lifestyle of generosity. God calls us to be generous with our time, talent, and resources to bless others.
We believe that it’s impossible to out-give God and that you’ll never regret trying. We believe in the biblical principle of tithing, which is giving 10% of our income back to God. We believe that when we put God first and give Him our best, that He promises to take care of all of our needs.
Malachi 3:10 tells us to
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
If you have never given a tithe of your income, we challenge you to put God to the test and tithe for three months. If you don’t experience God’s blessing in a variety of ways…then stop! We have seen God work miracles in our Church finances and the lives of those that attend as we have given generously.
What Your Giving is Accomplishing
Ministry in Roscoe, and our surrounding community through outreach within our region.
Supports Missionaries and Missions Projects so that people around the globe can hear the “Good News” of Jesus.
Ministering to people that cannot attend Church by delivering our weekend services, Prayer Furnace, and Schools and Classes to their home throughout the week using Livestream and other technologies.
Ways to give
Text: “lifechurchag” to 73256
*Standard text message and data rates
may apply.
Mail: PO Box 595, Roscoe, IL 61073
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Life Church
5910 Elevator Rd,
Roscoe, IL 61073
Contact 815.623.7625
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